The legends surrounding Bukit Tempayan Pisang can be promoted to attract tourists.
suggestion was yesterday made by Minister of Home Affairs Pehin Udana
Khatib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Hj Awg Badaruddin bin Pengarah Dato
Paduka Hj Awg Othman when he officially launched the Bukit Tempayan
Pisang Recreational Park in Kg Kapok.
The hill (bukit) and the
caves in the area are a source of interesting folk tales, which he said,
could be researched and told to tourists and also young children.
to local legend, Bukit Tempayan Pisang in Kampong Kapok was once
believed to be the home of Bunian princesses, the supernatural beings
who on the 14th day and 15th day of every month and during full moon,
played with ‘kemala’ stones that emitted a bright light and held
‘celestial’ powers.
It was because of the supernatural powers of
the stones that a feud broke out between the Bunian princesses and the
guardian of Mount Kinabalu.
According to legend, in the battle to
possess the mystical stones, the guardian of Mount Kinabalu used a
mortar, while the Bunian princesses fought back using only banana stems
which were placed in large earthen jars (tempayan).
It was the Bunian princesses’ use of the banana stems and earthen jars that led to the hill being named ‘Tempayan Pisang’.
princesses only managed to keep two of the stones, while the remaining
five were seized by the guardian of Mount Kinabalu. Despite that, the
princesses continued to play with the two remaining stones during full
Legend has it that up till the 1940s, residents living in
the vicinity could see lights coming from the Bukit Tempayan Pisang
every full moon.
The two caves – Radat Cave and Harimau Cave – located somewhere at the top of the hill are also associated with myths.
Cave was named after Awang Radat, a resident of Kampong Serasa, known
for his bravery and supernatural powers. It was believed he often,
particularly during the full moon, went to the cave to meet a Bunian
princess, who he later married.
Harimau (tiger) cave, as its name
suggests, was once believed to be a home to two tigers. According to the
legend, a newly-wed couple, Awang Mawar and Dayang Mawar were heading
towards Tanjung Kemuning in Kampong Kapok from Kampong Serasa on foot,
crossing the Tempayan Pisang Hill. During their journey, the wife had to
make a stop but she insisted that the husband continue and that she
would follow suit.
But after a while, after noticing that his wife
had failed, to catch up, the man back-tracked, only to find his wife’s
shredded clothes, droplets of blood and tiger paw prints on the ground.
The paw prints led him to the cave where he saw two tigers devouring his
already lifeless wife.
Brunei Share Blog, Collecting and Sharing Information About Brunei Darussalam The Abode Peace
Sunday, 6 August 2017
One day trip to Kuala Belait
Just back from a day trip to the most southern end of Brunei. Now I am
relaxing at the Empire Hotel making use of its free wi-fi and delicious
shakes. As I type I am sucking back a coconut and mango bomb. It would
be a fantastic bomb if it had a shake or two of Malibu, but I am sure my
liver is liking the break in this alcohol free country.
Kuala Belait (KB) is the 2nd city in Brunei and it is right on the border of Malaysia. My impression of it from my 2 visits there in the last 10 days is, Shell Petroleum is the heart and the oil is its blood pumping life into the surrounding areas. You cannot miss the Shell presence, from the oil fields to the pipes to the storage units to the Shell workers housing compounds and of course the petrol stations. Although ironically we nearly ran out of petrol in the Shell hub, thankfully we didn't have to dig in the ground to fill the tank, but we were close.
KB is a about 120 km from Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB), the capital of Brunei and the 1 road there is a smooth ride for most of the way. Once you get into KB there is a huge tea pot sculpture and from there you are able to navigate yourself into the city. Go straight and turn left until you hit the river. The main drag is one street and it is deceiving, you see it and think, hmmm is that it. Fortunately, that isn't it, there is so much more, you just need to walk down the little narrow allies off the main drag. Behind the main street you will find great little boutiques with fashions from Singapore and Hong Kong, knock off labels from various other countries, food halls and restaurants filled with locals on their lunch breaks having bowls of noodles for BND$2.00, tailors cutting beautifully flowing cloth to make baju karongs (the traditional dress for women), hairdressers playing with their hair, stall holders selling fresh vegetables and fish and people many people fanning themselves waiting for life to pass by or work to finish.
Away from the main drag are the beaches and the river. The water at the beaches is brown but apparently not from dirt, they are brown from the silt. So you can swim all you like but do ask the locals where the crocodiles are. There are places where they are and aren't, make sure you are in the aren't places.
KB is a nice little city with a real local feel. What you see is what you get, a relaxed, slow moving but perfectly functional city/town. It also has the the benefit of being close to Miri in Malaysia, close to shops which are cheaper and places for other forms of entertainment not offered in Brunei, like a quiet beer at the pub, or a rowdy drink at a club.
I can't recommend any place in particular to go to in KB, as I was only there for a few hours and I will have to go back and investigate, but if you make it there, make sure you hit the back streets for a good local vibe and feel.
Kuala Belait (KB) is the 2nd city in Brunei and it is right on the border of Malaysia. My impression of it from my 2 visits there in the last 10 days is, Shell Petroleum is the heart and the oil is its blood pumping life into the surrounding areas. You cannot miss the Shell presence, from the oil fields to the pipes to the storage units to the Shell workers housing compounds and of course the petrol stations. Although ironically we nearly ran out of petrol in the Shell hub, thankfully we didn't have to dig in the ground to fill the tank, but we were close.
KB is a about 120 km from Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB), the capital of Brunei and the 1 road there is a smooth ride for most of the way. Once you get into KB there is a huge tea pot sculpture and from there you are able to navigate yourself into the city. Go straight and turn left until you hit the river. The main drag is one street and it is deceiving, you see it and think, hmmm is that it. Fortunately, that isn't it, there is so much more, you just need to walk down the little narrow allies off the main drag. Behind the main street you will find great little boutiques with fashions from Singapore and Hong Kong, knock off labels from various other countries, food halls and restaurants filled with locals on their lunch breaks having bowls of noodles for BND$2.00, tailors cutting beautifully flowing cloth to make baju karongs (the traditional dress for women), hairdressers playing with their hair, stall holders selling fresh vegetables and fish and people many people fanning themselves waiting for life to pass by or work to finish.
Away from the main drag are the beaches and the river. The water at the beaches is brown but apparently not from dirt, they are brown from the silt. So you can swim all you like but do ask the locals where the crocodiles are. There are places where they are and aren't, make sure you are in the aren't places.
KB is a nice little city with a real local feel. What you see is what you get, a relaxed, slow moving but perfectly functional city/town. It also has the the benefit of being close to Miri in Malaysia, close to shops which are cheaper and places for other forms of entertainment not offered in Brunei, like a quiet beer at the pub, or a rowdy drink at a club.
I can't recommend any place in particular to go to in KB, as I was only there for a few hours and I will have to go back and investigate, but if you make it there, make sure you hit the back streets for a good local vibe and feel.
Brunei Bukit Shahbandar
The forest trail at Bukit Shahbandar, quite close to the UBD campus, is
one of my favourite places for a hike. It's good exercise up and down
the hills, and there are some splendid views over the South China Sea.
Just recently they installed some signs, showing how far the next pondok ('hut') is. Very helpful, except they are seriously flawed. Take this sign near Pondok 3. How far do you think it is to the exit?
It is not 23 metres. My guess it is about 800 metres, which is rather different!
In fact, some of the signs can be seriously misleading. Take this one at Pondok 6. It offers an alternative route to Pondok 8, apparently a nice gentle stroll for 538 metres.
Well, I have taken that alternative trail from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8, and it is rather a lot more than 538 metres. It is quite strenuous, and it is almost certainly closer to 2 km.
In fact, at Pondok 8, at the other end of that path, you find this sign:
Now, how can the trail from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8 be 538 metres, but the same trail from Pondok 8 to Pondok 6 be 1775 metres? It is the same trail, for goodness sakes!
These signs seem to have random numbers on them. Not only is that confusing, it is downright dangerous: I can imagine quite a few people setting out for a nice easy stroll on the alternative route from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8 and getting into serious trouble when they find it is far, far longer than 538 metres.
People who provide public information have a duty to make sure it is accurate.
Just recently they installed some signs, showing how far the next pondok ('hut') is. Very helpful, except they are seriously flawed. Take this sign near Pondok 3. How far do you think it is to the exit?
It is not 23 metres. My guess it is about 800 metres, which is rather different!
In fact, some of the signs can be seriously misleading. Take this one at Pondok 6. It offers an alternative route to Pondok 8, apparently a nice gentle stroll for 538 metres.
Well, I have taken that alternative trail from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8, and it is rather a lot more than 538 metres. It is quite strenuous, and it is almost certainly closer to 2 km.
In fact, at Pondok 8, at the other end of that path, you find this sign:
Now, how can the trail from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8 be 538 metres, but the same trail from Pondok 8 to Pondok 6 be 1775 metres? It is the same trail, for goodness sakes!
These signs seem to have random numbers on them. Not only is that confusing, it is downright dangerous: I can imagine quite a few people setting out for a nice easy stroll on the alternative route from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8 and getting into serious trouble when they find it is far, far longer than 538 metres.
People who provide public information have a duty to make sure it is accurate.
Saturday, 5 August 2017
Bukit Pagon Brunei
Bukit Pagon, at 1,850 meters Brunei's highest peak. It is situated on
the border between Brunei and Sarawak in the remote southernmost part of
Temburong District. Access to the mountain requires a 4-hour ride by
4x4 WD via logging roads from the Sarawak side.
Bukit Pagon (4° 18′ 0″ N, 115° 20′ 0″ E), Brunei’s highest mountain at a height of 1850m is located on the boundary between Brunei and Limbang in the State of Sarawak. This is the southern part of the Temburong District. Mt. Pagon is only accessible by 4x4wd via logging roads crisscrossing mountain range from the Sarawak side, commencing form the small town of Limbang. Once you have passed through the logged area, the scenry opens up and the true beauty of the rain forest is revealed. The journey through to the Base Camp takes approximately 4 hours, dependant on the weather and the state of the logging roads.
Mount Pagon is only accessible by 4×4 WD via logging roads criss crossing mountain range from the Sarawak side,commencing from the small town of Limbang.Once you have passed through the logged area, the scenery opens up and the true beauty of the rainforest is revealed.The journey through to the Base Camp takes approximately 4 hours,dependant on the weather and the state of the logging roads.The lower undisturbed rainforest consists mainly of hardwoods of the Dipterocarpaceae family (two-winged fruits), with a transformation into montane and mosses forest as you climb up the steep path. The pitcher plant species Nepenthes lowii( also known as pitcher plant or monkey cup)can be found on the slope of this mountain.
The lower undisturbed rain forest consists mainly of hardwoods of the Dipterocarpaceae family, with a transformation into montane and mosses forest as you climb up the steep path. The pitcher plant species Nepenthes lowii can be found on the slopes of this mountain. The alternative is to fly in by helicopter. A helipad had been built on Mt Retak in a former expedition. However, there is very little published data resulting from past expeditions although lots of specimens are deposited with the Sungei Liang Forestry Department Herbarium.
Watershed Management – important water catchment for most rivers in Temburong.
Ecotourism research – can serve as a self financing mechanism; tool for conservation. Level, type, and management of tourism appropriate with regards to carrying capacity.
Wildlife studies – with disturbances in adjacent area in Sarawak, will become increasingly a refuge for wild animals.
Carbon sequestration – Green lung, carbon sink for surrounding areas. Ideal area for establishing a tropical rainforest research project focusing on carbon sequestration.
Gene bank/research – Vast biodiversity at Bukit Pagon, possible gene bank for rehabilitation.
Bioprospecting – vast biodiversity which means large number of medicinal plants.
Bukit Pagon (4° 18′ 0″ N, 115° 20′ 0″ E), Brunei’s highest mountain at a height of 1850m is located on the boundary between Brunei and Limbang in the State of Sarawak. This is the southern part of the Temburong District. Mt. Pagon is only accessible by 4x4wd via logging roads crisscrossing mountain range from the Sarawak side, commencing form the small town of Limbang. Once you have passed through the logged area, the scenry opens up and the true beauty of the rain forest is revealed. The journey through to the Base Camp takes approximately 4 hours, dependant on the weather and the state of the logging roads.
Mount Pagon is only accessible by 4×4 WD via logging roads criss crossing mountain range from the Sarawak side,commencing from the small town of Limbang.Once you have passed through the logged area, the scenery opens up and the true beauty of the rainforest is revealed.The journey through to the Base Camp takes approximately 4 hours,dependant on the weather and the state of the logging roads.The lower undisturbed rainforest consists mainly of hardwoods of the Dipterocarpaceae family (two-winged fruits), with a transformation into montane and mosses forest as you climb up the steep path. The pitcher plant species Nepenthes lowii( also known as pitcher plant or monkey cup)can be found on the slope of this mountain.
The lower undisturbed rain forest consists mainly of hardwoods of the Dipterocarpaceae family, with a transformation into montane and mosses forest as you climb up the steep path. The pitcher plant species Nepenthes lowii can be found on the slopes of this mountain. The alternative is to fly in by helicopter. A helipad had been built on Mt Retak in a former expedition. However, there is very little published data resulting from past expeditions although lots of specimens are deposited with the Sungei Liang Forestry Department Herbarium.
Research Potential
Watershed Management – important water catchment for most rivers in Temburong.
Ecotourism research – can serve as a self financing mechanism; tool for conservation. Level, type, and management of tourism appropriate with regards to carrying capacity.
Wildlife studies – with disturbances in adjacent area in Sarawak, will become increasingly a refuge for wild animals.
Carbon sequestration – Green lung, carbon sink for surrounding areas. Ideal area for establishing a tropical rainforest research project focusing on carbon sequestration.
Gene bank/research – Vast biodiversity at Bukit Pagon, possible gene bank for rehabilitation.
Bioprospecting – vast biodiversity which means large number of medicinal plants.
Places to Visit in Brunei : Jerudong Park Country Club
Jerudong Park Country Club is the world’s first free amusement park,
located at the north coast of Brunei Darussalam. It is the biggest
artificially constructed recreational centre with over a hundred
hectares of land area. It started in the early 70s with the
establishment of the Polo Club and the Royal Stables. It has three
playing fields with each having its own Grandstand. Members of the Royal
Family, including His Majesty can be seen every now and then playing in
one of these fields. JPCC is composed of the Jerudong Park Playground
and the Jerudong Park Housing Estates. Today, Jerudong Park Country Club
remains as one of the only family recreational centre in Brunei
Darussalam offering total family entertainment. is the world’s first free amusement park,
located at the north coast of Brunei Darussalam. It is the biggest
artificially constructed recreational centre with over a hundred
hectares of land area. It started in the early 70s with the
establishment of the Polo Club and the Royal Stables. It has three
playing fields with each having its own Grandstand. Members of the Royal
Family, including His Majesty can be seen every now and then playing in
one of these fields. JPCC is composed of the Jerudong Park Playground
and the Jerudong Park Housing Estates. Today, Jerudong Park Country Club
remains as one of the only family recreational centre in Brunei
Darussalam offering total family entertainment.
Experience world class facilities right at your doorstep. Come and enjoy the family rides and attractions.
The magic of love is in the air. Share the moment with your loved one while being serenaded by the Musical Fountain in the Garden of Dreams.
Live the life of style and simple elegance at our Housing Estates, where a theme park is just a hop, skip and a jump away!
We are the venue of choice for local events and shows with our Amphitheatre and Mini Amphitheatre. Our venue is available for booking – just contact Jerudong Park for more details.
Attractions In Jerudong Park
JPCC maintains the standard of bringing attractions that are a first of
its kind in Brunei. The first Mini Golf course, a perfect venue for
corporate events, team building activities and friendly competitions.
The Water Park is another first in Brunei, a perfect place to beat the
heat, splash and slide with fun all day and night in the biggest water
park. Fall in love with our family friendly attractions brought to you
by Brunei family friendly park.
Come and enjoy our new family rides and attractions. Touch the sky in
the new Ferris Wheel. Feel the rush in Ye Old Mine Cart Family Junior
Coaster, Play with your family or compete with your friends at the JP
Mini Golf. Visit the show horses at the Double Decker Carousel. See the
water dance and enjoy the splash in the New Water Park. All these
brought to you by Jerudong Park Playground.
Kids and adults of all ages will love riding on the horses. The carousel shapes are diversified, including ponies, lions, giraffes and gondolas.
It's a great fun for all ages - the Junior Coaster offers an amazing ride experience for small guests, but the older ones will enjoy the ride, too.
The Jumper is a trampoline, for small children who are seeking to have a fun airtime!
Suitable for all ages - from children to seniors around, Ferris Wheel allows the guests to see the whole view of the playground once the cabin has reach it's top peak.
Boats propelled by a paddle wheel - a water vehicle to cruise around the Jerudong Park's lake.
For the convenience of the Playground guests from one side of the park to another - the train station is specially transporting the guests .
Junior guests would enjoy the sensation of spinning around the air on the classic Sky Diver ride.
Bumper cars are one of the fun rides to play amongst your family and friends.
Come and ride the pirate ship - younger guests appeal for a ride to swing on.
Spin and control your car for fun, with family and friends.
Catered for the more older guests who are seeking to have a bumpy ride with other park guests.
Younger guests would have fun towards the classic Jerudong Park Caterpillar. .
PLAYGROUNDExperience world class facilities right at your doorstep. Come and enjoy the family rides and attractions.
The magic of love is in the air. Share the moment with your loved one while being serenaded by the Musical Fountain in the Garden of Dreams.
Live the life of style and simple elegance at our Housing Estates, where a theme park is just a hop, skip and a jump away!
We are the venue of choice for local events and shows with our Amphitheatre and Mini Amphitheatre. Our venue is available for booking – just contact Jerudong Park for more details.
Attractions In Jerudong Park
Playground Rides in Jerudong Park
Kids and adults of all ages will love riding on the horses. The carousel shapes are diversified, including ponies, lions, giraffes and gondolas.
It's a great fun for all ages - the Junior Coaster offers an amazing ride experience for small guests, but the older ones will enjoy the ride, too.
The Jumper is a trampoline, for small children who are seeking to have a fun airtime!
Suitable for all ages - from children to seniors around, Ferris Wheel allows the guests to see the whole view of the playground once the cabin has reach it's top peak.
Boats propelled by a paddle wheel - a water vehicle to cruise around the Jerudong Park's lake.
For the convenience of the Playground guests from one side of the park to another - the train station is specially transporting the guests .
Junior guests would enjoy the sensation of spinning around the air on the classic Sky Diver ride.
Bumper cars are one of the fun rides to play amongst your family and friends.
Come and ride the pirate ship - younger guests appeal for a ride to swing on.
Spin and control your car for fun, with family and friends.
Catered for the more older guests who are seeking to have a bumpy ride with other park guests.
Younger guests would have fun towards the classic Jerudong Park Caterpillar. .
Brunei Darussalam Agro-Technology Park
it’s time for a new eye candy. Just 18 minutes’ drive from BSB is
Kampong Tunhku, Mukim Gadong where the famous 500 hectares
Agro-Technology Park is located. The park was officially opened last
2011 to the public and has become a big hit among plants and landscape
enthusiasts due to its greenhouse and beautiful manmade landscapes. The
park features not only plants but animals as well, so it’s like going to
a “zoo” in a “botanical garden” setting. Entrance is free and you can
choose to take in the scenery by riding a buggy or a bus, which are all
provided for.
The main entrance is decorated with a
huge welcome sign on pillars embellished with colorful and beautiful
flowers. If you are a plant aficionados then you will definitely be
enthralled by the sight.
To the left is a wooden hut that is
connected to a bridge that where you can walk on to see a spectacular
view of the entire park. This particular area is also decorated with
different types of imported plants from Japan and other countries with
similar climates. This is a good resting place if you are already tired
of walking and exhausted from the heat. As there’re no trees along the
path that would provide shade as you stroll.
The main feature of the park is the greenhouse, one for flowering plants
and one for vegetables and crops. The majority of the flowering plants
that can be seen here are those that normally grow in cooler parts of
the world – plants that cannot be grown in Brunei’s weather, but can
thrive inside the greenhouse. Like tulips, orchids, roses, and other
types of four- season floras. They flourish perfectly filling the
greenhouse with bursts of vibrant colors. Some are even for sale! I
encourage you to buy if you have a green thumb that is. Since these
plants are not that easy to maintain.
The animal farms feature different types of animals that are not native
to the country such as ostriches and deer. The space for these animals
to roam around is really big making the animals feels that they are in
their natural habitat. I’ve noticed that children who go to the park
seem to enjoy looking at the animals from a safe distance. Though, this
might not be a fascination to most adults.
source :
Monday, 3 April 2017
Sunday, 2 April 2017
Sunday, 26 March 2017
Monday, 20 March 2017
Brunei Band Accoustic Song Night @JerudongPark Part 3
Some of Brunei artist and Bruneian Band perform accoustic song at Jerudong park Brunei.
Thursday, 16 March 2017
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Brunei Share : Bukit Shahbandar Recreaction Park
Bukit Shahbandar Recreational Park is extremely popular with hikers
and nature buffs as it is the most accessible rainforest in the country.
It spreads over 70 hectares of rolling terrain of a variety of trails
with different levels of difficulty, proving challenging to fitness
enthusiasts. You can choose to go on a gentle stroll over a couple of
hillocks or accept the challenge to take on over eleven hills of varying
For nature buffs, patience, binoculars, cameras, and good walking shoes would be the main necessities. Prepare to lose yourself from dawn to dusk in the region?s best-preserved lowland Dipterocarpaceae forest.
When I moved here I imagined I would be spending my afternoons swimming at the beach or walking in the jungle, and that hasn't really happened for me. It's a beautiful day out, 1.30 pm and I am inside hiding from the heat. I've turned into an inside exerciser, afraid of the hot hot hot sun. However, on the odd occasion I have found the outside world, I have throughly enjoyed it and say I will get out there more.
Bukit Shahbandar Recreaction Park, is part of the Forestry Department's collection of recreation forestry reserves. It is 70 hectares of land opposite The Empire Hotel on the Muara-Tutong Highway, just before the Jerudong turn off.
I arrived there at about 5.00 pm and it was busy with walkers and runners. Everyone seemed to be heading to the same place so I followed. I power walked up a large number of stairs and when I reached the top, I wished I had used a little less power and that was just the beginning.
There are maps located at what I imagine are strategic places along the route, but since I wasn't able to understand the map, I don't know. Somewhere all the people disappeared and I followed what looked like the track up and down and up and down and up and up and up and down. There are no indications of timing on the maps, so I was worried about being locked in (the gates close at 6.30 pm). Also it looked like rain, and as you know, if you live here, it rains practically everyday. With those two worries on my mind, I didn't have much of a chance to enjoy the view and the surroundings. It did feel great to be outside though and the jungle does provide a bit of a shelter from the sun.
I was on the track all alone at around 6 pm, thinking "please don't make me spend the night here!". And then I heard an out of breath runner coming up behind me so I put the gas on and followed him as best I could. Which was a fast walk, couldn't do the running up and up, the down was okay though. Luckily for me I followed him out of the jungle and back into the main park area. The route I walked, took me about 1 hour 20 minutes. It is a good cardio workout and sweat, also when you aren't worried about closing time, a great view as well.
I have since been back to walk different areas in the park. If you aren't looking for a climb, then you can walk fairly flat areas around and past the man made ponds. From that area you can also link into the top of the hill via more stairs and walk the track backwards.
There is a big park area for kids, toilets, bbq pits and stalls selling drinks and food. The park is busy early mornings and late afternoons, so basically during the coolest periods of the day. There are also large numbers of monkeys in the main park area. People often feed them and they run and play around.
It is great to get out there, I just need to get out more.
to get the park
drive along the Tutong-Muara highway heading towards Jerudong
and it is just before the Jerudong turn of
if you are on the other side of the highway turn off at the Empire
Hotel and come back onto the other side of the highway
the park is about 10 km from Bandar Seri Begawan
opening hours
6.30 am - 6.30 pm
For nature buffs, patience, binoculars, cameras, and good walking shoes would be the main necessities. Prepare to lose yourself from dawn to dusk in the region?s best-preserved lowland Dipterocarpaceae forest.
When I moved here I imagined I would be spending my afternoons swimming at the beach or walking in the jungle, and that hasn't really happened for me. It's a beautiful day out, 1.30 pm and I am inside hiding from the heat. I've turned into an inside exerciser, afraid of the hot hot hot sun. However, on the odd occasion I have found the outside world, I have throughly enjoyed it and say I will get out there more.
Bukit Shahbandar Recreaction Park, is part of the Forestry Department's collection of recreation forestry reserves. It is 70 hectares of land opposite The Empire Hotel on the Muara-Tutong Highway, just before the Jerudong turn off.
I arrived there at about 5.00 pm and it was busy with walkers and runners. Everyone seemed to be heading to the same place so I followed. I power walked up a large number of stairs and when I reached the top, I wished I had used a little less power and that was just the beginning.
There are maps located at what I imagine are strategic places along the route, but since I wasn't able to understand the map, I don't know. Somewhere all the people disappeared and I followed what looked like the track up and down and up and down and up and up and up and down. There are no indications of timing on the maps, so I was worried about being locked in (the gates close at 6.30 pm). Also it looked like rain, and as you know, if you live here, it rains practically everyday. With those two worries on my mind, I didn't have much of a chance to enjoy the view and the surroundings. It did feel great to be outside though and the jungle does provide a bit of a shelter from the sun.
I was on the track all alone at around 6 pm, thinking "please don't make me spend the night here!". And then I heard an out of breath runner coming up behind me so I put the gas on and followed him as best I could. Which was a fast walk, couldn't do the running up and up, the down was okay though. Luckily for me I followed him out of the jungle and back into the main park area. The route I walked, took me about 1 hour 20 minutes. It is a good cardio workout and sweat, also when you aren't worried about closing time, a great view as well.
I have since been back to walk different areas in the park. If you aren't looking for a climb, then you can walk fairly flat areas around and past the man made ponds. From that area you can also link into the top of the hill via more stairs and walk the track backwards.
There is a big park area for kids, toilets, bbq pits and stalls selling drinks and food. The park is busy early mornings and late afternoons, so basically during the coolest periods of the day. There are also large numbers of monkeys in the main park area. People often feed them and they run and play around.
It is great to get out there, I just need to get out more.
to get the park
drive along the Tutong-Muara highway heading towards Jerudong
and it is just before the Jerudong turn of
if you are on the other side of the highway turn off at the Empire
Hotel and come back onto the other side of the highway
the park is about 10 km from Bandar Seri Begawan
opening hours
6.30 am - 6.30 pm
Monday, 6 February 2017
Brunei Share : Kampong Ayer Cultural and Tourism Gallery
open on the 19th August 2009 by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince,
Duli Yang Teramat Mulia Paduka Seri Pengiran Muda Mahkota Pengiran Muda
Haji Al-Muhtadee Billah ibni Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri
Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah.
- Revive the past glory of the water village so that it will not be extinct by the rapid pace of modernization;
- To add value to local economic activities, revive the cottage industries from days of old and help diversify the economy; and
- To make the water village a unique tourist destination.
Saturday - Thursday : 9.00am - 5.00pm
Friday : 9.00am - 11.30am
: 2.30pm - 5.00pm
Last admission 30 minutes before closing.
Closed on public holidays.
For group visit, usage of the Gallery (terms and conditions), selling of souvenirs and other inquiries please contact Culture and Islam section.
Background of Kampong Ayer :
"kampong" in english means a village meanwhile "ayer" means
water.WATER VILLAGE is a preserved national heritage site, and the
largest of its kind in the world-with approximately 30,000 is
equipped with schools, police stations, clinics , a fire bridge and mosques,
and it is a thriving community functioning with all the comforts and amenities
of the modern era.Kampong Ayer which existed since the 10th century AD , is
actually a cluster of villages , each with their own village leader.all the
village are connected by a complex web of walkways and a bridge.
opss! forgot to tell..this gallery
consist of 5 gallery altogether :
Gallery 1
Kampong Ayer in the 10th century -
13th century A.D
Gallery 2
Kampong Ayer in the 14th century
-16th century A.D
Gallery 3
Kampong Ayer during the late 19th
century - early 20th century A.D
Gallery 4
Contemporary Kampong Ayer - Economic
Gallery 5
Contemporary Kampong Ayer - Social
Term & Condition:
1. Jumlah had maksima dalam bangunan
Galeri pada satu satu masa
adalah seramai 150 orang sahaja.
2. Perkhidmatan pengangkutan dan
buruh tidak akan disediakan
oleh Jabatan Kemajuan Pelancongan bagi
permohonan penggunaan Galeri tersebut.
3. Pembuatan kelengkapan perhiasan
tambahan hanya dibenarkan selepas jam 5 petang.
4. Pemohon hendaklah membersihkan kawasan
Galeri yang telah
Digunakan sebaik sahaja acara
tersebut selesai dijalankan.
Pemohon juga hendaklah memastikan peralatan-peralatan
dan kelengkapan-kelengkapan dalam Galeri yang dipinjam berada dalam keadaan
baik dan dikembalikan kepada tempat asalnya selepas acara selesai dijalankan.
5. Pemeriksaan akan dilakukan
setelah setiap acara selesai dijalankan. Jika didapati kerosakan-kerosakan atau
kehilangan hartabenda Kerajaan dalam penggunaan Galeri tersebut, pemohon akan
dikenakan kos pembaikan /gentian ke atas kerosakan-kerosakan
/kehilangan tersebut. Di samping itu
juga jika didapati tahap kebersihan di Galeri tersebut kurang memuaskan semasa
pemeriksaan dibuat, kerja-kerja pembersihan akan dilakukan dan kos pembersihan
tersebut akan dikenakan kepada pemohon.
6. Pemohon hendaklah menasihatkan pihak penyediaan
permakanan (catering service provider) untuk tidak melakukan perkara-perkara
seperti dibawah selepas acara dijalankan:
Membuang apa jua jenis sampah sarap
(termasuk sisa makanan) ke
Dalam sungai. Semua jenis sampah
sarap hendaklah dibawa semula ke darat. Membuat kerja-kerja cucian (dish
washing) di Galeri selepas acara dijalankan.
7. Pemohon juga tidak dibenarkan
membuat perkara-perkara yang
menganggu ketenteraman awam dan/atau
melanggar undang-undang negara.
8. Pihak Jabatan Kemajuan
Pelancongan tidak bertanggungjawab diatas kemalangan-kemalangan yang terjadi di
dalam dan kawasan
Galeri sewaktu acara dijalankan
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