Friday, 31 January 2014

Bekerja di Brunei Darussalam

Brunei Darussalam menjadi salah satu negara di Asia Tenggara, selain Malaysia dan Singapura yang menjadi tujuan TKI untuk bekerja. Saat ini ada sekitar  67913 TKI yang bekerja di sana.

Dari jumlah tersebut, ada sekitar 45% TKI yang bekerja di Brunei ada pada sektor formal seperti di sektor industri, perkebunan, dan anak buah kapal. Selebihnya yang 55% adalah pekerja di sektor informal, antara lain penata laksana rumah tangga dan sopir.

"Saat ini, ribuan  peluang kerja di Brunei Darussalam untuk sektor formal masih terbuka  di antaranya untuk bidang perminyakan, bidang infrastruktur, informasi dan teknologi, serta kesehatan dan bidang kehutanan,"kata Menteri Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi (Menakertrans) RI Muhaimin Iskandar dalam pertemuan dengan Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri Brunei Darussalam Excelency Pehin Udana Khotib Dato Paduka Seri Setia Ustaz Haji Awang Badaruddin Bin Pengarah Dato Paduka Haji Awang Othman  di Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam Senin (27/1/2014) dalam siaran persnya.

Sementara itu, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Brunei Darussalam tengah memperbaharui nota kesepakatan bersama atau memorandum of understanding (MoU) mengenai penempatan dan perlindungan  tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI) sektor formal dan informal. Adapun perkembangan pembentukkan MoU tersebut telah sampai pada tahapan penyelenggaraan Joint Meeting antara perwakilan pemerintah RI dengan pemerintah Indonesia. Joint Meeting tersebut dimaksudkan uyntuk melakukan tukar menukar informasi dan pandangan terkait mengenai peraturan perundangan kedua negara dan implementasinya.

Pada Join Meeting tersebut juga membahas materi yang akan dimuat dalam draf MoU  dimana pemerintah Indonesia mengusulkan dalam draft MoU yaitu besaran gaji minimum TKI, adanya hari libur (one day off per week), adanya jam istirahat atau pembatasan jam kerja, passpor yang boleh dipegang atau dibawa oleh TKI, adanya akses komunikasi dengan perwakilan RI maupun keluarga TKI, adanya uraian tugas TKI yang jelas, dan cara penyelesaian perselisihan.

“Diharapkan kedepan dengan adanya pertemuan ini akan semakin meningkatkan hubungan kerjasama kedua negara sehingga target zero domestic worker 2017 tercapai dimana penempatan TKI diarahkan sesuai jabatan seperti cooker, housekeeper, cartaker, dan babysitter,” ujarnya.

Brunei adalah negara yang terletak di utara Pulau Kalimantan, berpenduduk kurang dari 400 ribu jiwa. Walaupun secara jumlah jiwa dan luas wilayah kecil, tapi negara ini sangat kaya akan minyak. Kemakmurannya bisa dibandingkan dengan Singapore, dimana nilai mata uang mereka sama. Jika Anda menukar uang Anda (Singapore Dollar) ke Brunei Dollar (mata uang Brunei dalam dollar), maka Anda akan mendapat nilai uang yang sama.
Penduduknya mayoritas agama Islam, dan penduduk Indonesia yang bekerja di sini juga cukup banyak. Anda tidak perlu kuatir akan standar gajinya, karena standar gaji di sini hampir sama dengan Singapore, dan yang menguntungkan adalah standar biaya hidup di sini tidak setinggi di Singapore. Masalahnya adalah di Brunei sangat sepi, tidak seramai dan sekosmopolitan Singapore. Hiburan yang ada sangat minim. Jadi apabila Anda bekerja di Brunei, Anda harus pandai-pandai untuk menghibur diri. Tapi jangan kuatir, di sini hiburan yang standar untuk semua rumah adalah Asto dan layanan internet.
Cara untuk bekerja di Brunei agak berbeda dengan Singapore.
Kalau di Singapore, kita mengenal LPR dan SPR, di sini tidak ada istilah seperti itu. Jadi apabila kita mau melamar kerja, caranya adalah apply langsung ke perusahaan atau agen kerja di sini.
Umumnya, untuk perusahaan kecil atau rumah tangga, si pencari kerja bisa apply langsung, tapi untuk perusahaan besar, si pencari kerja perlu menghubungi agen tenaga kerja.
Apabila Anda diterima, Anda akan diurus pembuatan surat ijin tenaga kerjanya. Sebagai orang yang pernah bekerja di Brunei, saya juga merekomendasikan rekan-rekan untuk apply kerja di Brunei. Negaranya aman, tenang, nyaman untuk hidup, tapi harus bisa tahan terhadap sepinya entertainment.
Working in Brunei is really a new experience. The country is rich, the people is very very friendly, the place is quiet and peaceful, and there are so many trees still. The other thing that I like when I worked in Brunei was Astro TV Cable from Malaysia. Too bad that we cant get Indovision in Brunei, but at least we have Astro Cable to entertain us in daily life. However, you have to pay some money to get Astro on yout TV. Astro is not so different than Indovision, they have CNN, Fox, E Entertainment, Discovery, Animal Planet, MTV, Channel V, etc. The most part that I love about working in Brunei is the pressure is not so high than others country.
Working in Brunei, we will also talk about how is living in Brunei. Brunei has around 300thousands people. Not so many. Most of them are muslims. The part that I dont like about Brunei, the entertainment is not so many for Indonesian people. Not so many malls, no bars :) However, you can get a lot of friends in Brunei.
The capital, Bandar Seri Begawan is one of the place that I used to visit during the weekend. I usually go to the mall, watch the movies, have lunch at the restaurants, visit a friends, and many things.
Salary in Brunei is the same as in Singapore. Their living standard is almost the same. These attracks many people to come to Brunei and work. So many people from other countries like Indonesia, Philipines want to get the opportunity to work in Brunei. That is the reason why Brunei employment agency grows fast. You have to be careful with those agecies. Some of them only want to trick you. They advertise that they have Brunei job, but the truth is it is not easy to find a job in Brunei.

Monday, 20 January 2014

Times Cineplex at Empire Hotel Brunei

AFTER a seven-month hiatus, the cinema at The Empire Hotel & Country Club Brunei has reopened under the Times Cineplex brand, Cinema BRUNEI’S NEWEST 5-SCREEN DIGITAL CINEPLEX.
The Brunei cinema is now the second branch for Times Cineplex, which debuted at Times Square end of 2012.
Dubbed Times Cineplex @ Empire Hotel, the complex used to be under the MVision brand. In June 2013, reports of it closing down came out.
Benny Ang, manager of the Times Cineplex, said over a telephone interview yesterday that management has tweaked the Times Cineplex @ Empire to accommodate its premium image.
Ang said the changes will allow the cinema more flexibility and more screens for their customers.
He added that the modifications take into consideration the difficulties faced by the previous tenant.
For example, Ang said that some of the previous complaints were the seats.
“We know what the customers want and we have changed the seats and made the aisles longer so that there will be more leg room,” said Ang.
Moviegoers can find out about the new Times Cineplex branch’s listing through its website: .
With the opening of the newest Times Square branch in The Empire Hotel, there are now five cineplexes in Brunei that moviegoers can choose from.
Besides the two Times Cineplexes, Brunei also has The Mall Cineplex, Seri Q-lap Cineplex, and the Plaza Sutera Biru Dualplex in Seria. – Debbie Too.
Location : 4th Floor Times Square Shopping Centre Spg 13-29, Jalan Berakas
Bandar Seri Begawan BE2719, Brunei Darussalam.
Call at 234-1122
Empire Hotel and Country Club
Jerudong, Brunei Darussalam
Hotline: 261-0001

The Brunei Times

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Universities in Brunei Darussalam

Universiti Brunei Darussalam UBD
Universiti Brunei Darussalam is Brunei's oldest university. It is the largest university in the country in terms of student enrollment and curriculum offered.

Universiti Brunei Darussalam with more than 300 academic staff and 2800 students in six faculties, namely Arts and Social Sciences, Business, Economics and Policies Studies.

Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) was established in 1985, opening its doors to the first intake of 176 students. Since then, UBD has seen an increase in the number of graduates, the introduction of new academic programmes, the enhancement of infrastructure and the development of graduate studies.

The university moved to its current location, Tungku Link, in 1995, an environment that is conducive for learning and research. UBD is guided by its four core values; people, expertise, relevance and leadership. Today, there are eight academic faculties, nine research institutes and six academic service centres ranging from Islamic Studies, Business, Arts, Science, Health Sciences, Asian Studies, Policy Studies, Education, Biodiversity and Integrated Technologies. 

In a relatively short period of time, UBD has advanced and expanded both academically and infrastructurally, producing influential leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals. The university is always aligned to its mission of developing the individual and society as a whole through the cultivation and enrichment of the intellect, faith and culture, accomplished through the creation of an environment conducive to achieving excellence in teaching, learning, research, scholarship, public service and professional practice.

In 2009, UBD announced the introduction of the GenNEXT Programme which is an education framework designed for students to excel according to their individual learning styles. Broad-based and trans-disciplinary, it provides the flexibility and adaptability necessary to ensure that students are able to fully explore their potential in a hands-on and accountable manner, while also providing thorough and rigorous training across the disciplines. The GenNEXT degree ensures that students emerge from Universiti Brunei Darussalam with a high-quality education that is catered to for their individual needs, as well as the needs of a constantly changing world environ­ment.

In 2011, UBD introduced the Discovery Year as part of the GenNEXT Programme, in which all students are required to leave the university for one year. This is to promote real-world experiential and design-centric learning; students are given the opportunity to gain community-based or international experience outside of the UBD campus.

The success of UBD students is not confined to the academic area only. In fact, UBD seeks to produce holistic and well-rounded graduates. This is in line with its motto, “Ke Arah Kesempurnaan Insan” or “Towards Human Excellence”. UBD aims to mold all-rounded individuals who are successful spiritually, academically and athletically.

Academic Faculties
Academy of Brunei Studies (APB)
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics (SBE)
Faculty of Science (FOS)
Faculty of Integrated Technologies (FIT)
Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education (SHBIE)
PAPRSB Institute of Health Sciences (PAPRSB-IHS)
Research Institutes
Institute of Asian Studies (IAS)
Institute for Leadership, Innovation and Advancement (ILIA)
Institute of Policy Studies (IPS)
SOAS Centre for Islamic Studies (SOASCIS)
e-Government Innovation Centre (eGInC)
UBD | IBM Centre
Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research (IBER)
Centre for Advanced Material and Energy Sciences (CAMES)
Centre for Advance Research (CARe)

website :

Brunei Institute of Technology/Institut Teknologi Brunei

Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB), The Brunei national Engineering and Technology University.

ITB Brunei’s humble journey began in 1986 when it first opened its door to students wishing to pursue Higher National Diploma programmes in Business and Management, Computer and Information Systems, and Electrical and Communication Engineering. In 2008, ITB was upgraded to a full university status by His Majesty the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien. The programmes have since expanded to include full-pledged undergraduate and graduate degree programmes. ITB is known locally for its ‘hands on’ programmes and employability of its graduates. We are proud of our core values: Professional, Innovative, Integrity, Passionate and Engaging.

ITB aspires to become a ranked engineering and technology university in the Southeast Asia by 2018. We are now starting to implement initiatives on our three Strategic Focus areas: (1) Teaching and Learning; (2) Research Excellence and (3)Community Engagement. It will be a steep learning curve and definitely a way forward for all of us at ITB. 

Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) was set up in January 1986 with the primary objective of catering for a range of interests in technical and commercial education. Its establishment was supported by Leeds Polytechnic, United Kingdom (now known as Leeds Metropolitan University) which indicates ITB’s aspiration to become a local institution that strives for international recognition.

Three Departments were first established in a shared campus with Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College: namely Business and Management (BM), Computer and Information Systems (CIS) and Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). EEE was renamed as Electrical and Communication Engineering (ECE) when ITB moves to its permanent campus. The Phase 1 of ITB permanent campus in ‘Kampung Tungku’ was completed in 1998 with an establishment of two more departments, namely Civil and Mechanical Engineering.

Since the Phase 2 building was completed in 2001, more programmes have been offered at Higher National Diploma level and a twinning degree programme in Civil Engineering. Phase 3 buildings are now in the process of construction to cater for ITB’s fast development and would be ready by the end of 2012.

ITB was officially upgraded to a University status by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam in his Decree during the Teacher’s Day Celebration on the 18th October 2008. However, ITB retains its old name. It is now one of the three fully-fledged public universities in Brunei Darussalam and is a ‘Brunei University of Engineering, Business and Computing’. More infrastructures are now being planned and more developments will be witnessed in the near future.

Jalan Tungku Link, Gadong BE1410
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: +673-2-461020
Fax: +673-2-461035/6

Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali Brunei

Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (Abbreviation: UNISSA) is Brunei's second university. It was established in 2007 as an Islamic university. 

Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) is located in Gadong, Brunei and Muara, Brunei Darussalam. It is locally known as Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali.

The idea of an a second university in Brunei was suggested by the Sultan in 2004 at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam's 16th convocation and in 2005 he made clear at the 17th convocation that the new university would be an Islamic university. The overall aim of the new university is to become a centre for the spread of Islam in the region.
The University took its name from Sharif Ali who was the descendant of Prophet Muhammad and appointed as the third Sultan of Brunei. He was known as the first sultan to build a mosque in Brunei.The first intake of students joined in August 2007 when 152 students were accepted for the programmes. 125 were undergraduates, 26 Masters students and one was following a PhD. On its launch UNISSA absorbed staff and students from the Sultan Hj Omar Ali Saifuddien Islamic Education Institute (IPI SHOAS) which was until that point part of Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
In February 2009 the University proposed a move to a new campus in Gadong at the former Rashidah Sa'adatul Nursing College to allow more room for academic expansion, employment of staff and better facilities.


  • Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Civilisation
  • Faculty of Usuluddin
  • Faculty of Shariah and Law
  • Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
  • Centre for Promotion of Knowledge and Languages Learning
  • Maddhab Shafi'i Research Centre
  • Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Research

Address : Simpang 347, Jalan Pasar Baharu, Gadong BE1310
Negara Brunei Darussalam

Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal 
(Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College) or MTSSR

Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal (Sultan Saiful Rijal Technical College) or MTSSR for short. The institution was established in 1985 as a result of a merger between the Sekolah Bangunan Sultan Saiful Rijal (1970) and the Pusat Latehan Teknikal Brunei (1977).
The College is directly under the Technical Education Department, Ministry of Education. The Principal reports to the Director of Technical Education Department (for detailed Department of Technical Education Organisation Chart, please refer to
Internally, the Principal is responsible for the College administration. The Principal is assisted by two Deputy Principals; Deputy Principal (Administration) and Deputy Principal (Education & Training), and supported by Head of Department.
The College is one of the fastest growing technical institutions in Brunei Darussalam.

Today, MTSSR is a full-fledged premier technical institution offering a wide range of courses in vocational and technical field.

Address and Contact Numbers:
Simpang 125
Jalan Muara
Bandar Seri Begawan
Negara Brunei Darussalam
Tel: (673) 2331077
Fax: (673) 2343207

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Toyota Branch Brunei

Want to Test drive 
Welcome to NBT Toyota Brunei

NBT started in 1957 as North Borneo Trading - a trading company dealing with electrical appliances, consumer items and motor vehicles. In 1967, the company was acquired by INCHCAPE PLC, to distribute TOYOTA motor vehicles exclusively in Brunei Darussalam.
Today, 45 years on, NBT is one of the biggest motor vehicles distributors in Brunei. With a strong management and a sound support team, combined with quality car  products from TOYOTA and LEXUS, NBT has in fact, been the market leader in Brunei Darussalam for more than a quarter of a century. The LEXUS marque was added into the NBT stable in 1993, thereby making NBT the franchise holder with one of the widest range of TOYOTA and LEXUS vehicles in South East Asia.

For Enquiry, please contact:
Customer Care:

LEXUS Gadong Showroom:
Km 4, Jalan Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Tel: 2448688

Toyota Gadong Showroom:
Km 4, Jalan Gadong, Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam.
Tel: 2433777

Toyota Bunut Showroom:
Bunut Commercial Showroom, Simpang 664, KM8, Jalan Tutong BF1320, Brunei Darussalam.
Tel: 2652459, 2652460, 2653306

Toyota Kuala Belait Showroom:
Lot 5754 and 5755 Industrial Area, Kuala Belait
Sales: 3333046, 3332583, 3337288, 3337388
Service: 3333045, 3337688
Parts: 3333285

Brunei Share : The legends surrounding of Bukit Tempayan Pisang

The legends surrounding Bukit Tempayan Pisang can be promoted to attract tourists. This suggestion was yesterday made by Minister of Hom...