Saturday 2 February 2013

About Do’s and Dont’s in Brunei Darussalam

Masjid Soas Brunei

In Brunei Darussalam Culture, Bruneians are generally very tolerant and will understand that visitors are not familiar with all of their customs and Islamic traditions.
Nonetheless, keeping these few things in mind will go far in showing the Bruneian people that you respect and appreciate their culture, enriching your experience:
  • Tourists should observe the local dress code and dress modestly. Clothing comfortable for hot weather is acceptable, except when visiting places of worship or for social and business functions.
  • Bruneians shake hands by lightly touching the hands and then bringing the hand to the chest. Some people do not to shake hands with members of the opposite sex.
  • You should not point with your finger; instead, use the thumb of your right hand with the four fingers folded beneath it.
  • When visiting a mosque, all visitors should remove their shoes. Women should cover their heads and not have their knees or arms exposed. You should not pass in front of a person in prayer or touch the Koran.
  • Gifts (particularly food) should only be passed with the right hand, although it is acceptable to use the left hand to support the right wrist.
  • It is polite to accept even just a little food and drink when offered. When refusing anything offered, it is polite to touch the plate lightly with the right hand.
  • During the Islamic fasting month of Ramadan, Muslims do not take food from sunrise to sundown. It would be inconsiderate to eat or drink in their presence during this period.
  • In deference to the Muslim majority, alcohol is not sold in Brunei, but private consumption by non-Muslims is allowed. Non-Muslim tourists are allowed a generous duty-free allowance of 2 bottles of alcohol (wine, spirits, etc) and 12 cans of beer per entry, and may consume alcohol with sensible discretion in hotels and some restaurants.
Source :

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