Sunday, 6 August 2017

Brunei Bukit Shahbandar

The forest trail at Bukit Shahbandar, quite close to the UBD campus, is one of my favourite places for a hike. It's good exercise up and down the hills, and there are some splendid views over the South China Sea.

Just recently they installed some signs, showing how far the next pondok ('hut') is. Very helpful, except they are seriously flawed. Take this sign near Pondok 3. How far do you think it is to the exit?
It is not 23 metres. My guess it is about 800 metres, which is rather different!

In fact, some of the signs can be seriously misleading. Take this one at Pondok 6. It offers an alternative route to Pondok 8, apparently a nice gentle stroll for 538 metres.
 Well, I have taken that alternative trail from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8, and it is rather a lot more than 538 metres. It is quite strenuous, and it is almost certainly closer to 2 km.

In fact, at Pondok 8, at the other end of that path, you find this sign:
 Now, how can the trail from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8 be 538 metres, but the same trail from Pondok 8 to Pondok 6 be 1775 metres? It is the same trail, for goodness sakes!

These signs seem to have random numbers on them. Not only is that confusing, it is downright dangerous: I can imagine quite a few people setting out for a nice easy stroll on the alternative route from Pondok 6 to Pondok 8 and getting into serious trouble when they find it is far, far longer than 538 metres.

People who provide public information have a duty to make sure it is accurate.

1 comment:

  1. Assalamualaikum senang sekali saya bisa menulis dan berbagi kepada teman-teman disini, Awal mula saya ikut pesugihan, Karena usaha saya bangkrut dan saya di lilit hutang hingga 900jt membuat saya nekat melakukan pesugihan, hingga suatu waktu saya diberitahukan teman saya yang pernah mengikuti penarikan uang ghaib dengan AKI SOLEH JAFFAR menceritakan sosok
    AKI SOLEH JAFFAR, saya sudah mantap hati karena kesaksian teman saya, singkat cerita saya mengikuti saran dari pak.aki saya harus memilih penarikan dana ghaib 1 hari cair dengan tumbal hewan dan alhamdulillah keesokan harinya saya di telepon oleh pak aki bahwa ritualnya berhasil dana yang saya minta 3Milyar benar-benar masuk di rekening saya, sampai saat ini saya masih mimpi uang sebanyak itu bukan hanya melunaskan hutang ratusan juta bahkan mampu membangun ekonomi saya yang sebelumnya bangkrut, kini saya mempunyai usaha di jakarta dan surabaya yang lumayan besar, saya sangat bersykur kepada allah dan berterimakasih kepada pak.AKI SOLEH JAFFAR berkat beliau kini saya bangkit lagi dari keterpurukan. Jika ada teman-teman yang sedang mengalami kesulitan masalah ekonomi saya sarankan untuk menghubungi WhatsApp AKI SOLEH JAFFA stay hubungi di ini 085377783331 agar di berikan arahan Atau  KLIK DISINI


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