Thursday 17 July 2014

Berakas Forest Recreation Park

 Berakas Forest Recreation Park

 Berakas Forest Recreation Park

 Berakas Forest Recreation Park

Berakas Forest Recreation Park consists mainly of Kerangas Forest that had endured forest fires several times, resulting in a number of unique and interesting species of trees, such as the Ru Runang (Casuarina sp), Sindok-sindok (Endospermumsp) and Selunsor (Tristania sp). Stands of trees such as Acacia mangium, Jagus, Klinkii Pine and Kapur bukit (Dryobalanops sp) can also be found.

An attractive feature of the  Berakas Forest Recreation Park is its location beside the sea.  
It is 18 kilometres from the capital and has an area of forest reserve inclusive of the park of about 348 hectares.   As with other recreational parks, essential facilities are also catered for visitors.   Berakas Forest Recreation Park is popular for its camping grounds and had been used by many.

 Berakas Forest Recreation Park is a popular destination for visitors as seen in the number of visitors frequenting it; More than 5, 000 visitors monthly.  It is projected that numbers will increase with the completion of other facilities and services such as access roads, electricity, water supply, children’s playground and camping sites.

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